Physical Balance Solution

Product: Vacuum Pump

Brand: GAST

Model: V131Q-G608NEX

Customer: Physical Balance Solution.

Work Type: On-site inspection service

Detail: In this project, Gast Pump Model: 1023-V131Q-G608NEX is a part of production line imported from U.S.A.
It generated vacuum power to suck air out of workpiece in mold during process.
Pump could not generate vacuum power as its specification and had strange sound during operation.
We inspected on-site and found out that carbon blade vane were broken
– 0.8 to – 0.9 bar

Application: shoe and deformed leg production for handicap
Pump generates vacuum power to suck air from workpiece in mold. Vacuum power used is -0.8 to -0.9 bar

Name Plate Motor : Gast Model: 1023-V131Q-G608NEX

Gast Model: 1023-V131Q-G608NEX

Connecting products with customers’ machines

Checked the product and found Vane Carbon was damaged and broken.

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