Generally, every electric motor has a name plate attached. It provides a lot of useful detail but, unfortunately, it is also one of information users overlook. The nameplate shows the details of the motor such as the volume of the output power (kW Output), Speed, voltage (Volt).
Without a nameplate, it is very difficult to do maintenance or even replace an old with a new motor. It is very risky to look with naked eyes for estimating information of that motor. Today we will reveal what useful information you can get from name plate. Let’s walk through electric motor nameplate together. Shall we?
Name Plate on MITSUBISHI electric motor

Name Plate Mitsubishi Motor
No.1 indicates motor type. Induction motor is divided into two types according to power supply which are single phase and three phase. If this motor is single phase, this will show equipment attached. In this example, this motor is single phase type equipped with 2 capacitors. One is for starting and the other is for continuous operation.
No.2 shows output power of electric motor. Output power at the shaft shows in both horse power (HP) and kilowatt (kW)
No.3 is electric current of electric motor. According to each country, Voltage (V) and Hertz (Hz) are different. That means each motor generating different electric current (A or Amps or Ampere) when used in different V and Hz. This is very important information to consider in selecting suitable electric motor for application.
No.4 is pole. Pole reflects rotation speed of motor. Mitsubishi usually manufactures 2pole, 4pole and 6pole. The higher pole, the lower rotation speed.
No.5 is rotation speed of motor. Referring to no.4, this indicates rotation speed at shaft in revolutions per minute (min-1 or RPM). Rotation speed will be vary according to Hz and V of electric that this motor is used. The higher V or Hz, faster RPM.
No.6 IP on motor plate stands for INGRESS PROTECTION. It indicates the level of protection against dust and liquid. This is value information for user in selecting which motor is suitable according to installation site. The higher IP, better protection against dust and liquid.

No.7 is frame size. This number shows code in industrial standard. Number in frame size reflects height from the floor to center of the shaft (in mm). Letter in frame size means length (S M L). When user is looking for motor replacement, this is useful information to check if new motor fits the current one or not?
No.8 is work rating (Rating). Work rating determines the behaviour of the motor in relation to the moment. This is the reason why work duties must be related to time. There is industrial standard to support for accuracy. According to the VDE O530 standard or IEC 34-1 standard, the main operating characteristics are divided as follows:
Duty type S1: Continuous Running Duty
Duty type S2: Short-time Duty
Duty type S3: Intermittent periodic duty
Duty type S4: Intermittent periodic duty with starting
Duty type S5: Intermittent periodic duty with electric braking
Duty type S6: Continuous operation periodic duty
Duty type S7: Continuous operation periodic duty with electric braking
Duty type S8: Continuous operation periodic duty with related load/speed changes
Duty type S9: Duty with non-periodic load and speed variations
Duty type S10: Duty with discrete constant loads and speeds
Tips: Output power: the power that the motor can produce.
Input Power: The electrical power required by the motor to generate that power.
In next episode, we will explain on TH CLASS and EFF CLASS. How they define efficiency in electric motor?
Why the following equation is important? Efficiency (%) = Power (output) / Power (input) x 100
And what is different between IE1 standard motors and IE2 high efficiency motors?
When comes to MITSUBISHI electric motor, looking for YONG HONG (THAILAND). You can visit more product on: Pumpular
Reference and end credit for:
Collins, D. (2019) Do IP ratings for ingress protection apply to linear motion components, Linear Motion Tips. Available at: https://www.linearmotiontips.com/do-ip-ratings-for-ingress-protection-apply-to-linear-motion-components/ (Accessed: October 19, 2022).