Besides the water quality, fish farm cannot overlook oxygen level and how much oxygen level needed in the farm. Even though fish live in water, fish is still an animal and needs to breathe oxygen and release carbon dioxide for living. The more fishes in the pond, higher oxygen needed.
Underestimating oxygen or easily call air volume in the pond will tremendously effect fish health.
The art of oxygenation in the fishpond?
DO (Dissolved Oxygen) is oxygen that is dissolved in water. The good DO value for fish should not less than 5 ppm. However, the need for oxygen is more or less depending on the type and age of the fish such as Carp fish (Koi fish) that do not quite tolerate with reduced oxygen levels will need more DO value or to pay close monitor on DO level while Ruby fish and Rhinoceros fish can resist to low oxygen levels well.
How to add oxygen into a fishpond?
Semi-natural method
It is the photosynthetic aeration of phytoplankton in fishponds. It works similarly to the photosynthesis of plants in general, but synthesizes during only afternoon
Using an aerator
It is a way to increase oxygen by using tool that causes water circulation or inject air directly into pond such as aerator or air pump. This method is easy and controllable adjusting amount of oxygen in the water to be consistent with the growth of fish.
You can visit more products at pumpular or YONGHONG to explore equipment that helps in aeration of the fish pond such as Root Blower SANCO BRF/BRH Series and Three Lobes Root Blower SANCO SCB Series.
Reference and end credit for:
YONGHONG. (2019, August 13). ทำไม บ่อปลา จึงต้องการ เติมออกซิเจน Retrieved August 30, 2022, from